Monday, June 23, 2008

We got boxes!

down the road
Originally uploaded by bredto

Today around 11 am we watched as four trucks pulled around the corner and brought our house to us. Within one hour the truckers arrived, positioned the modules, got a very big check and were gone like the wind. We spent about a half hour looking though the windows admiring our new home while calling back and forth "Did you see the cabinets?", "Did you see the fireplace? ", "Did you see the toilet?"

I'm now off to Maine to teach tomorrow. I think I might have been able to bribe our friends from Bing to come up and help take pictures and video in my absence tomorrow when they set the modules on the foundation.

I've uploaded about six picture to Flickr for now. Click the pict to check 'em out. I'll try to get some video up too.

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